Our Team



Dr. Julie Blanchard

Dr. Blanchard graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal in 2000. She chose to practice in the field of companion small animals. She enjoys todays new technologies in caring for our companion animals, especially the ultrasound and digital dental x-ray. She is a Member of the Academy of Veterinary Medicine of Quebec, and participates in annuel conferences, always expanding her already vast knowledge of small animals. She is very active and divides her time between the clinic, her children, and running.



Dr Geneviève Laviolette

Dr. Geneviève Laviolette

Dre Laviolette a obtenu son diplôme de la faculté de médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Montréal en 2015. Pendant ses études, Dre Laviolette a perfectionné ses compétences pratiques en travaillant à la clinique vétérinaire de Buckingham. Sa passion pour les animaux la pousse à prodiguer des soins de qualité à tous ses patients. Dans son temps libre, Dre Laviolette participe à plusieurs équipes sportives, aime faire du vélo et profiter du plein air avec ses deux chiens et son chat.




Dr. Vicky Martel

Dr. Martel graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Montreal in 2002. She subsequently practiced general small animal medicine and emergency care. Always looking for new challenges, she participated as a reporter for the show for the love of animals and writes monthly articles in the current log of the Quebec City area. Her passion for animals then lead her to get involved in a project to rehabilitate wildlife in the Amazon jungle. In the fall of 2008, she moved into our beautiful region and we feel lucky to have on our team.



Our Animal health technicians (AHT)

Sylvie Hamelin (TSA) Jessica St-Jean Tracy Lefurgy Mathieu Pilon Alex Fillion
Sylvie Hamelin, AHT Jessica St-Jean, AHT Tracy Lefurgy, AHT Mathieu Pilon, AHT Alex Fillion, AHT
Tina Osborne Véronique Gagné Fannie Bouchard Suzanne St-Jacques
Tina Osborne, AHT Véronique Gagné, AHT Fannie Bouchard, AHT Suzanne St-Jacques,
Helper with a golden heart